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A student is absent if he/she is not physically on school grounds and is not participating in instruction or instruction-related activities at an approved off-grounds location for the school day. Students who are absent for any reason, regardless of whether the absence is excused or unexcused, for 10% or more of their enrolled school days, are noted to be chronically absent. 

To report your student(s) absent for the school day, please click to button below and complete the form.

Absence Form

For further assistance or questions, please contact:

Tym Hudson  Attendance Clerk  (702) 372 - 4172

The following table is meant to be a guide for how Innovations will handle student absences. Please be aware that this list is not all inclusive, and administration will evaluate absences on an individual basis to determine appropriate actions to correct attendance issues.

Number of Absences Action to be Taken
2 - 9 Excused Absences
  • Parent/Guardian Contacted
  • Conference with student
  • May be restricted from field trips, performances, and/or extracurricular activities
  • Required parent meeting with school to discuss absences and to sign an attendance contract
10 + Excused Absences
  • Potential loss of credit
  • Required parent conference
  • Intervention plan developed
  • Retention in grade level or class repeat
  • Possible educational neglect report filed with child protective services
2 - 9 Unexcused Absences
  • Parent/Guardian Contacted
  • Conference with student
  • May be restricted from field trips, performances, and/or extracurricular activities
  • Required parent meeting with school to discuss absences and to sign an attendance contract
10 + Unexcused Absences
  • Potential loss of credit
  • Required parent conference
  • Intervention plan developed
  • Retention in grade level or class repeat
  • Possible educational neglect report filed with child protective services


* Students are expected to arrive on time at 8:00am each day. Tardiness begins at 8:10am. Disciplinary actions may be used to correct habitual tardiness. These could be a verbal warning, phone call home, detention, and/or filing truancy charges.

Students who are absent must complete any assigned work within three (3) days of returning back to school. An absence does not excuse the student from completing and submitting assigned work by their teachers. Any work not completed and submitted within the three (3) day time period may result in loss of grade or lack of credit for the work assigned.


As provided under Nevada law, all children between the ages of 7 and 18 years must attend a school. IICSN's regulations required that within three (3) days after a child returns to school from an absence, a notice from the parent/guardian must be provided to the school explaining why the child was physically or mentally unable to attend or, if an emergency arose, the nature of the emergency. Failure to do so will result in the absence being declared a truancy. 

Any student who has been declared truant three (3) or more times within one school year must be declared a habitual truant. Nevada law requires that habitual truants be reported to law enforcement. A citation by a law enforcement agency can result in fines of $100 of more; required community service; suspension of a child's driver's license or future privilege of obtaining a license; referral of the parent to law enforcement; and/or referral of the parent for educational neglect to Child Protective Services. 

The school will follow the truancy laws set forth by Nevada and the Clark County School District.