Attendance Success
Innovations International Charter School of Nevada is a public K-12 charter school sponsored by the Clark County School District. The school will not charge tuition and will not discriminate against any student on the basis of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or disability, as required by the Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 386.580. The purpose of this information is to provide guidelines and directions to assist in enrolling students at the school.
Administration does try to honor parent requests to have a pre-selected teacher. These requests can be made prior to the Mandatory Parent Meetings in July and August before the class rosters are built and the classrooms are full. While we wish to keep our parents happy, please note there is no guarantee that your child will get the teacher he/she desires.
Children will be processed in a timely manner once their enrollment/re-enrollment packets are submitted to the school. The names of students who submit enrollment applications after the capacity is reached for each grade level will go on a waiting list. As space becomes available grade levels due to students leaving the school, waiting list students are then selected to fill the vacated positions from a lottery-based system. For this lottery, students will be assigned a unique number and then a lottery drawing will be held and verified to admit students who have been selected. Parents are then notified for enrollment acceptance.
In July and August, the school hosts Mandatory Parent Orientation Evening Classes whereby information is shared, and parent questions are addressed. At the Parent Orientation meetings, packets of information are sent home to be completed for submission on the first day of school. Parents and students are welcome to schedule school tours with the office staff prior to the first academic day of the new school year. These tours can be arranged by calling the school at 702-216-4337.