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Behavior Policy

a pair of boys sit together at their desks reading a book

The law charges every teacher and principal with maintaining order and discipline among students and provides that students who do not comply with reasonable rules may be recommended for disciplinary action.

Actions taken to control and correct undesirable student behavior should take individual circumstances into account. Concern for safety and educational welfare of all students MUST be the major priority. 
Students receiving and having been identified and/or qualifying for special education and/or 504 services will be disciplined in accordance with the provisions of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

It is the principal’s responsibility to take actions necessary to protect the welfare of all students and staff members from dangerous or socially detrimental actions of students. Violation of the rules listed below, or the commission of any act defined as dangerous or antisocial behavior, may result in the student being suspended or recommended for expulsion unless otherwise provided for in this policy.

Expulsion proceedings for the school may include a hearing before a panel of the board of trustees who will have the authority to determine whether the expulsion is limited or permanent. The board will recommend to the administrator what corrective action is necessary and recommend that those actions be carried out immediately. 

At the high school level, no academic credit will be earned for the remainder of the school year if the student is permanently expelled, unless the student works with a teacher and completes the required work assigned. 
When a student is admitted on a trial enrollment, the educational records for that student will be made available to the student’s teachers while confidentiality is protected and maintained. 

Parent Advisory Meeting 

A Parent Advisory Meeting is an effective communication system between the families and the school whereby critical issues are discussed with the parents concerning their children. This meeting can take on a positive/celebratory nature or can be used to discuss discipline issues that have arisen. The initial Parent Advisory Meeting will take place with the school’s Assistant Principal. Parents and the administrator will discuss the nature of the meeting and work together to set a positive plan of action in place for the student. 
The school will work with the parent to accommodate schedules and meeting times.