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Homework Policy


Homework is a necessary part of each student’s educational program. Each student is expected to spend time outside of class instruction reviewing learned material. The amount of time a student devotes to homework each night will depend on how well the student organizes his/her work, pays attention in class, takes notes or brings home sample work completed in class, budgets his/her time, and spends time doing quality work to be submitted for a grade. All teachers will identify homework expectations and will provide daily/weekly homework assignments to be completed at home and submitted for a grade. 

Homework is not a punishment, rather it is intended to provide students with the reinforcement and practice of previously learned skills and concepts in class. Students may be given some class time to begin assignments with the teacher’s supervision to determine if the student is ready to work on his/her own. Parents can expect their child to have homework a minimum of Monday through Thursday. Each teacher will identify homework expectations on his/her course expectation guide at the beginning of the school year. 

Some assignments are long range in nature and required study time each night for completion. Working a little each night on a long assignment eliminates procrastination and the need to throw something together the day before it is due.

Makeup Work

Teachers are asked to provide an opportunity for students to make up missed work assigned during an absence from school. Students have three (3) days to do this.

After any absence, including a suspension, a student is required to contact the teacher (s) to obtain appropriate make-up work. Once contact has been made with the teacher (s), specific makeup work must be completed and returned to the teacher (s). 

If a student experiences an extended absence of three (3) or more days from school due to a documented medical emergency or suspension, makeup work can be requested. Parents are to notify the school’s office and the assignment will be ready for pickup after a 24-hours. 

Students who will be absent from school for extended periods of time may follow along with classroom instruction through his/her teacher’s Google Classroom. Teachers will note be required to give ‘pre-arranged’ absent work in advance of a student absence for a family trip. In the event a student is absent for an extended period of time, the student will receive additional time to complete make-up assignments upon his/her return.

Late work

Homework is expected to be turned in on the day it is due. Students should not turn in late assignments. Each teacher and course have the authority to establish his/her own late work policy and the policy will be communicated to the parents and students in the course expectations guide. Students are encouraged to do their own work to better prepare themselves for test/quizzes on the material assigned. If a student is absent on the date that a long-term assignment is due, it will be due on the first day of his/her return.