Health Services
Health Office
It is critical that the school office staff have current working phone numbers (cell, e-mail, home, employment) and emergency contact person information.
• The health office is responsible for filing accident reports, keeping health records including vaccinations mandated by law, maintaining and dispensing prescription and emergency medications, providing first aid and emergency treatment, and notifying parents/guardians in cases of medical emergencies or illness.
• The school is responsible for the day-to-day management of student injuries and illnesses. Parents/guardians are responsible for the transport and welfare of their children.
• Every accident or injury occurring during school hours and any athletic injury occurring during a school-sponsored event must be reported immediately to the teacher in charge and to the health office staff. First aid/emergency guidelines for school personnel will be followed. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will be called as needed for immediate medical services. The parent/guardian will be responsible for any charges incurred due to EMS transportation.
• With permission of the parent/guardian, a student aged 11 and older may self-medicate expect for controlled substances. Medication must be properly labeled or have a prescription with the dosage, prescribing practitioner, and instructions for administration. The student must be able to produce written evidence their parent/guardian has authorized self-medication. For controlled substances and medications requiring administration in the health office, a signed medication release must be completed along with the licensed practitioner’s order or pharmacy label. For over-the-counter medication, a copy of the prescriptions or order from the licensed prescribing practitioner is required.
• A student suspected of having a contagious or infectious disease may be temporarily excluded from school until a licensed healthcare provider determines the student is not a health or safety threat to other students or staff members. If the condition is long term, the parent/guardian must notify the school nurse/FASA so that appropriate educational services may be determined.
• The First Aid Safety Assistant (FASA) is on duty every day in the health office.
• The school nurse is available on an as needed basis.
• It is critical that students report to the Health Office if ill or hurt before they call parents on their personal communication device (cell phone). They must check-out through the Health Office before being released to the parent/guardian.
State law requires that all students attending Nevada Schools must provide evidence of immunization prior to enrolling and/or after having updated the shots. Please check with the Southern Nevada Health District and/or the school for required vaccinations
Communicable Diseases
All communicable disease should be reported to the school. Measles, rubella, chicken pox, and mumps, by law must be reported. The school will provide educational opportunities to students regarding measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of contracting or transmitting communicable diseases at school and at school sanctioned events. Students may be excluded from school and/or events if they are suspected of or diagnosed with a communicable disease that poses a health risk to others and that renders them unable to adequately pursue their studies. These diseases may include, but are not limited to:
1. COVID-19
2. Head lice
3. Pink eye
4. Strep throat
5. Impetigo
6. Ringworm or scabies
7. MRSA or staph infections
As appropriate, the school nurse and administration will send a notice to parents. All medications must be stored in the school office in the original containers.
At the time of the school’s opening, all staff, and students, regardless of their vaccination status, will be wearing face masks, disinfecting, social distancing, and practicing all federal and state mandates for COVID. We thank you ahead of time for helping us to keep everyone safe and for understanding the necessity of the school utilizing mandated mitigations.
Medication at School
Children required to take medication during school hours must annually, and with any medication changes during the year, file a form signed by both the parent and the doctor allowing the medication to be administered at IICSN. Prescription medications to be given at school or during school-sponsored activities must be in the original container and must have the following information printed on the container:
The student’s full name
The name of the drug
Dosage and administration instructions
Time(s) to be given
Healthcare provider’s name and telephone number
The FASA, office manager or administrative assistant will dispense and observe the student take the medication. Parents are responsible for the delivery and pick-up of medications and informing the school of any changes in the schedule for the medication. Under no conditions will a student be given non-prescription medication such as aspirin nor will the child be allowed to self-administer such a medication.
At various times throughout the school year, the office, counselor, or the FASA need to contact parents concerning their children. It is critical that our school have the most current working phone numbers and emergency contact person information.
• The FASA is on duty every day and takes care of the immediate needs of the students.
• The office and FASA are responsible for filing accident reports, keeping health records including vaccinations mandated by law, maintaining and dispensing prescription medication, providing first aid and emergency treatment, and notifying parents/guardians in cases of medical emergencies, contagious diseases, or illness.
• The school is responsible for the day-to-day management of student injuries and illnesses. Parents are responsible for transportation if medical services are needed.
• Every accident or injury taking place during school hours and any athletic injury occurring during a school-sponsored event must be reported immediately to the teacher in charge and to the FASA. First aid/emergency guidelines will be followed, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will be called as needed for immediate medical services. The parent/guardian is responsible for any charges incurred due to EMS transportation.