Innovations' introduction to AI (artificial intelligence) is project-based learning that introduces the fundamentals of AI through engaging and culturally relevant lessons.
This introductory course is perfect for artificial intelligence (AI) beginners. Students will be introduced to basic artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning concepts in an age appropriate setting. Our students will be asked to protect and heal endangered animals in a zoo environment by designing solutions using robotics and AI. In these interactive lessons, students will learn how machines learn, basic speech recognition, predictive behaviors, and simple coding.
Once our students have the artificial intelligence (AI) basics, they will move to the world of art. They will explore various artistic media and the core concepts of AI while letting their inner-creativity thrive. Through various mediums such as predictive drawing, lyric recognizer, the art of gaming, interactive sculptures, and generative AI, students will learn all of the ways that artificial intelligence impacts the world around them.
Innovations' students will dive deeper into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) through various meaningful activities in different facets of the AI world. Students will use block coding to create simple chatbots, interact and reverse engineer virtual assistants, learn about image recognition, train a machine learning model to recognize faces and emotions, and explore the different strategies AI uses for prediction and decision making. Finally, students will debate the ethics of how much access artificial intelligence should have and the implications to the future of AI and technology world-wide.
The high school curriculum will push our students into advanced concepts of artificial intelligence (AI). Students will learn the basics of Python, a sophisticated coding language, and artificial intelligence to create a variety of smart projects involving art, games, and chatbots. These smart projects include drawing programs, decision making programs, smart calculators, gaming programs, and the ethics of artificial intelligence.