Virtual Reality Squadron
Innovations International Charter School of Nevada is proud to offer virtual reality as a supplement to our rigorous and comprehensive curriculum.
Using virtual reality (VR) in a classroom allows students to have a simulated experience in a three dimensional environment. Wearing the VR headset enables students to look around, move, and interact within the virtual world. It provides opportunities for students to explore and experience real-world simulations from a first person viewpoint.
Why choose VR in the classroom:
- Access to real-world experiences in a variety of subject areas
- Become immersed in the learning process
- Motivated to engage in the learning process
- Focus student attention
- Improve communication skills
- Increases comprehension
- Promotes team building
- Access to experiences that aren't easily attained (travel, history, science, etc.)
- Increase memory and knowledge retention
- Creates excitement about school and learning
Exciting adventures we offer:
- Great Wall of China
- Swimming with the Sharks
- Mars Rover and Lunar Lander
- Statue of Liberty
- The Louvre, Paris
- DNA Structures
- Animal and Plant Cells
- 3-D Shapes
- Patterns in Nature
- Aztec Ruins
- Colonial America
This list is just a sample of the virtual experiences offered. The possibilities are truly endless.
As a compliment to the VR headsets, we offer 3-D printing and manipulation through the program TinkerCad. Using TinkerCad, students create a detailed blueprint and sketch of a design that they can print using slicing software and 3-D printing machines. 3-D printing also incorporates the engineering design process to promote higher level thinking skills and problem solving as they learn how to design objects like stamps, architectural models, and simple machines.