Inclusive Education
At Innovations, we believe that all children are capable of learning, so we use inclusive education to facilitate and maintain the education of all children regardless of their abilities and backgrounds. All children are in the same age-appropriate classrooms receiving high-quality instruction, interventions, and supports to meet their social, emotional, and academic needs. The school operates on the belief that students with disabilities are competent learners like their classroom friends. Placing them in the least restrictive environment, the classroom, means they are able to build relationships with other students while learning to accept, understand, and interact with others around them. There are times these students work in small groups out of the classroom, but generally, the special education services are brought to them as the expectation from federal and state mandates they will learn grade level curriculum and be accountable for mastering grade level content for state and federal accountability standards.
The following support services are offered to students enrolled in the school. As our parents have requested extended learning opportunities for students, please read on.
Read by Grade 3 (AB 289)
English Language Learners (ELL)
Students who have been identified as children living in families where a language other than English is spoken and who have a language proficiency with a need for assistance are eligible for consideration and/or assistance. Innovations serves K-12 students meeting these guidelines.
Special Education Services
Under Nevada law, a child's disability must cause him to deviate educationally, physically, socially or emotionally so markedly from normal patterns that he/she cannot progress effectively in a regular school program and therefore requires special instruction or services.
Student Section 504 Plans
Student Section 504 Plans support all students who manifest a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, which include (but are not limited to) functions such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Teachers provide targeted teaching for students who are struggling or falling behind in class. They typically need help with reading, writing, math, or behavior. The RTI process involves a team approach monitoring learning and providing help to meet individual student needs.
Counselor / Social Worker
Studentsand families benefit from services offered by the counselor and social worker. These professionals look at the whole child as they promote the health and well being of each student and emphasize their social and emotional development. They work with secondary students and families on college entry and career skills, too.
Tutorial Services
Any student attending the school may have access to the tutors. This is done through the Before and After School Programs, placement with tutors throughout the academic day for students typically falling in the bottom 40% of students for proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics, our Summer Academy, and our extended academic day.